Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Isn't it Amazing?

Here at the TwobyTwo Challenge, we are amazed at what the human race can produce for no other reason than it looks nice. Or intriguing, awe-inspiring or thought-provoking. Sometimes, humorous. It can hang on a wall, sit on a table, be the table or perhaps, worn on the body. (An then, there's the body, which is utterly amazing unto itself).
Some of it sits neglected in a box hidden in the attic while others get lifted up to museum status for all the world to see. Still others move in the fourth dimension of time.
Ah, beauty is still in the eye of the beholder (which created the estate of critics).
We say, hell with the critics. Create your art.
This week, the challenge is to create a-MAZE-ing artworks.
As luck would have it, last week, a visit to Denny's diner provided a placemat with a maze, the objective being something about helping bacon and egg to get together:

Denny's placemat maze, surely copyrighted by Denny's
Hey, it's something to do while you're waiting for your... bacon and eggs! This is surely fodder for TwobyTwo art!

Here are some other mazes that life hath brought:
A Human Maze
College wasn't all fun and games, was it?
From Scientific American

Show us your twinchie MAZE-inspired art!
Email to 1xeritas@gmail.com by April 7 and they will be shared here for all the world to see!

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